Nashua Silver




Knights Hire Guarino as Manager

Nashua, NH – September 19, 2024 – The Nashua Silver Knights are thrilled to announce the appointment of Nick Guarino as their new Field Manager. Guarino, who was a key player in the team’s 2020 championship season, is returning to Nashua to lead the Silver Knights into a new era of success.

Guarino, who excelled as a pitcher for the Silver Knights during the 2020 and 2021 seasons, played a pivotal role in the 2020 championship win, delivering a standout performance in Game 2 of the Finals. His notable collegiate career includes playing for Clark University and Southern Connecticut State University. Currently, Guarino serves as the co-recruiting coordinator and pitching coach at Eastern Connecticut State University.

Guarino will be taking over from Kyle Jackson, who is stepping down after an impressive 11-season tenure with the organization, including the last five seasons as the team’s manager. Jackson, who managed the Silver Knights during Guarino’s playing years, has been a cornerstone of the team’s success and will be deeply missed.

“We’re very excited to have Nick back in Nashua to help lead the Silver Knights back to Championship form,” said Cam Cook, General Manager of the Silver Knights. “Nick’s deep connection to the team and his extensive experience make him the perfect fit to take over from Kyle Jackson, whose legacy with the organization is unparalleled.”

Guarino expressed his gratitude and commitment to his new role, stating, “I want to thank Cam Cook, the Creedon family, and the rest of the Nashua organization for this opportunity. Having played here for two years and winning a championship, I know how important it is to maintain the winning culture that the Silver Knights have established since 2011. I am excited to continue that tradition and work towards bringing another championship to our loyal fans.”

He also took a moment to recognize the significant contributions of Kyle Jackson. “I also want to acknowledge Kyle Jackson and the work he has put in during his time in Nashua. His efforts have helped establish the Silver Knights as one of the best collegiate summer league programs in the country. I look forward to continuing his work and striving to bring another championship to the fans of Nashua.”

The Nashua Silver Knights are confident that Guarino’s leadership and dedication will guide the team towards continued success and a bright future.

