Working with VB Sample Code

The Main subroutine make the calls to create XML document and builds the XML request.

Code Examples

Below is a sample code to generate an XML document and send a HTTP Post request to the application server:


Public Sub Main()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandle

Dim doc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30

Dim rNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

Dim doc1 As MSXML2.DOMDocument30

Dim RespFile As String

Dim ReqFile As String

Dim Service As String

'Create the XML document

Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument30

If (createXMLDocument("AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", doc)) Then


' ******* Build an Access License Agreement Request *****************

'Adding Nodes to the XML document that was previously created "doc"

    AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "", "", "xml:lang", "en-US"

    AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "Request", "EMPTY_NODE", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "AccessLicenseNumber", "8B505CD8A2612824", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "AccessLicenseProfile", "EMPTY_NODE", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "Request", "TransactionReference", "EMPTY_NODE", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "Request", "RequestAction", "AccessLicense", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "Request", "RequestOption", "AllTools", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "TransactionReference", "CustomerContext", "License Test", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "TransactionReference", "XpicVersion", "1.0", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseProfile", "CountryCode", "US", "", ""

    AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseProfile", "LanguageCode", "EN", "", ""

indata = InputBox("Enter the full path and filename of Request to be created." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _

    "If the path is not valid no file will be created", "Request File")

If Len(Trim(indata)) <> 0 Then

    ReqFile = indata (ReqFile)

    MsgBox "Finish, see " & ReqFile & " for the generated XML Request."


    MsgBox "No demo for you"

End If

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error running Sample Code"

End Sub



Here is the VB module that contains all the code examples found in this section.



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