Attribute VB_Name = "modSampleCode" Public Sub Main() On Error GoTo ErrorHandle Dim doc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim rNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement Dim doc1 As MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim RespFile As String Dim ReqFile As String Dim Service As String 'Create the XML document Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 If (createXMLDocument("AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", doc)) Then ' ******* Build an Access License Agreement Request ***************** 'Adding Nodes to the XML document that was previously created "doc" AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "", "", "xml:lang", "en-US" AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "Request", "EMPTY_NODE", "", "" AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "AccessLicenseNumber", "8B505CD8A2612824", "", "" AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseAgreementRequest", "AccessLicenseProfile", "EMPTY_NODE", "", "" AddNode doc, "Request", "TransactionReference", "EMPTY_NODE", "", "" AddNode doc, "Request", "RequestAction", "AccessLicense", "", "" AddNode doc, "Request", "RequestOption", "AllTools", "", "" AddNode doc, "TransactionReference", "CustomerContext", "License Test", "", "" AddNode doc, "TransactionReference", "XpicVersion", "1.0", "", "" AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseProfile", "CountryCode", "US", "", "" AddNode doc, "AccessLicenseProfile", "LanguageCode", "EN", "", "" indata = InputBox("Enter the full path and filename of Request to be created." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "If the path is not valid no file will be created", "Request File") If Len(Trim(indata)) <> 0 Then ReqFile = indata (ReqFile) MsgBox "Finish, see " & ReqFile & " for the generated XML Request." Else MsgBox "No demo for you" End If End If Exit Sub ErrorHandle: MsgBox "Error running Sample Code" End Sub Public Function createXMLDocument(rootname As String, xml As MSXML2.DOMDocument30) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrHand Dim docXML As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim parentNode As IXMLDOMNode Dim root As IXMLDOMElement Dim Prop As MSXML2.IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction docXML.async = False Set root = docXML.createElement(rootname) docXML.loadXML root.xml Set parentNode = root Set Prop = docXML.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version = '1.0'") docXML.loadXML (Prop.xml & root.xml) Set xml = docXML createXMLDocument = True Exit Function ErrHand: Debug.Print "Error creating Document (" & rootname & ")" createXMLDocument = False Debug.Print Err.Description End Function Public Function AddNode(doc As MSXML2.DOMDocument30, strParentTag As String, newTagName As String, _ textString As String, attrName As String, AttrValue As String) On Error GoTo ErrHand Dim Item As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement Dim root As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement Dim oAttr As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute Dim parentTag As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim Node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim pNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim child As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode Dim ThisNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMText AddNode = True ' we are getting a nodelist because it allows us to specify the parent element ' by its string name; that way, we don't have to pass Elements around Dim N1 As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList Set parentTag = doc Set N1 = doc.getElementsByTagName(strParentTag) If N1.length > 0 Then Set Parent = N1.Item(N1.length - 1) Else Set Parent = parentTag End If If Not (StrComp(textString, "") = 0) Then Set Node = doc.createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, newTagName, "") If Not (StrComp(textString, "EMPTY_NODE") = 0) Then Node.nodeTypedValue = textString End If Parent.appendChild Node AddNode = True Else If Not (((StrComp(attrName, "") = 0) Or (StrComp(AttrValue, "") = 0))) Then Set oAttr = doc.createAttribute(attrName) Parent.setAttribute attrName, AttrValue AddNode = True Else AddNode = False End If End If Exit Function ErrHand: AddNode = False Debug.Print "Error Addong Node (" & ErrObject & ")" Debug.Print Err.Description End Function Public Function FillXML(xnodes() As String, strXML As String) As String 'This method requires that the array size be greater than or equal to the amount 'of "writable" nodes in the XML document. Also, the order of the values in the 'array should sync up with the order of their respective "writable" nodes in the 'XML document. On Error GoTo ErrFill Dim I As Integer Dim str As String Dim objXMl As DOMDocument30 Dim objXMLList As IXMLDOMNodeList Set objXMl = New DOMDocument30 objXMl.loadXML strXML Set objXMLList = objXMl.getElementsByTagName("*") t = 0 MaxNodes = objXMl.getElementsByTagName("*").length For I = 0 To MaxNodes - 1 'Here we make a list of child nodes for every element in the list. Set ElementList = objXMLList.Item(I).childNodes 'If there is only one child in the list then we write the value in the array to that node. If ElementList.length = 1 Then objXMl.getElementsByTagName("*").Item(I).Text = xnodes(t) t = t + 1 End If Next I FillXML = True strXML = objXMl.xml Exit Function ErrFill: FillXML = False End Function Public Function PostXML(sBuffer As String, strUrl As String, Optional sResponse As String) As String Dim iRetVal As Integer Dim lBufferLen As Long Dim vDllVersion As tWinInetDLLVersion Dim sStatus As String Dim sOptionBuffer As String Dim lOptionBufferLen As Long Dim lblMajor As String Dim lblMinor As String Dim dwTimeOut As Long Dim bDoLoop As Boolean Dim sReadBuffer As String * 2048 Dim lNumberOfBytesRead As Long Dim sResponseBuffer As String '*************************************************** Const username As String = "demo22" Const password As String = "demo22" 'Normally you would take the strUrl parameter and parse it but for example purposes we are using constants. Const URL As String = "" Const URLObject As String = "/" ' This portion of the URL will not always have 'Track' in it. The last word will change base on the tool you are using. '*************************************************** 'Set the Time out value for the INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT,INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT dwTimeOut = 60000 If Len(Trim(strUrl)) <> 0 Then mvtxtUrl = strUrl lBufferLen = Len(sBuffer) hInternetSession = 0 hHttpOpenRequest = 0 hInternetConnect = 0 ' Open session hInternetSession = InternetOpen(scUserAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, "", vbNullString, 0) If CBool(hInternetSession) Then 'Set DLL Major/Minor version variables InternetQueryOption hInternetSession, INTERNET_OPTION_VERSION, vDllVersion, Len(vDllVersion) lblMajor = vDllVersion.lMajorVersion lblMinor = vDllVersion.lMinorVersion 'Open Connection hInternetConnect = InternetConnect(hInternetSession, URL, INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT, _ vbNullString, vbNullString, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0) If hInternetConnect > 0 Then sOptionBuffer = sBuffer lOptionBufferLen = Len(sOptionBuffer) hHttpOpenRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hInternetConnect, "POST", URLObject, "HTTP/1.0", vbNullString, 0, _ INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD Or INTERNET_FLAG_MULTIPART Or INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE Or INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID Or INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID, 0) If CBool(hHttpOpenRequest) Then sHeader = "Content-Length: " & lOptionBufferLen & vbCrLf iRetVal = HttpAddRequestHeaders(hHttpOpenRequest, sHeader, Len(sHeader), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE Or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & sHeader; sHeader = "Accept-Language: en" & vbCrLf iRetVal = HttpAddRequestHeaders(hHttpOpenRequest, sHeader, Len(sHeader), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE Or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & sHeader sHeader = "Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf iRetVal = HttpAddRequestHeaders(hHttpOpenRequest, sHeader, Len(sHeader), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE Or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & sHeader; sHeader = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf iRetVal = HttpAddRequestHeaders(hHttpOpenRequest, sHeader, Len(sHeader), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE Or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & sHeader; iRetVal = InternetSetOptionStr(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, username, Len(username) + 1) Debug.Print "in by proxy usr " & iRetVal iRetVal = InternetSetOptionStr(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, password, Len(password) + 1) Debug.Print "in by proxy psw " & iRetVal iRetVal = InternetSetOption(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, dwTimeOut, 4) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & Err.LastDllError & " " & "INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" iRetVal = InternetSetOption(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, dwTimeOut, 4) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & "INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT" iRetVal = InternetSetOption(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, dwTimeOut, 4) Debug.Print iRetVal & " " & "INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT" Resend: iRetVal = HttpSendRequest(hHttpOpenRequest, vbNullString, 0, sOptionBuffer, lOptionBufferLen) Dim dwStatus As Long, dwStatusSize As Long dwStatusSize = Len(dwStatus) HttpQueryInfo hHttpOpenRequest, HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER Or HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, dwStatus, dwStatusSize, 0 Select Case dwStatus Case HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ 'make sure change it to your user name and password. 'Note Poxy authentication only works for IE40 wininet. For IE3.0x, you need to 'manually add Proxy-Authentication header. 'GoTo Resend Case HTTP_STATUS_DENIED iRetVal = InternetSetOptionStr(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_USERNAME, _ username, Len(username) + 1) iRetVal = InternetSetOptionStr(hHttpOpenRequest, INTERNET_OPTION_PASSWORD, _ password, Len(password) + 1) GoTo Resend End Select Else ' HttpOpenRequest failed sResponse = "HttpOpenRequest call failed; Error code: " & Err.LastDllError & "." PostXML = False End If Else ' InternetConnect failed sResponse = "InternetConnect call failed; Error code: " & Err.LastDllError & "." PostXML = False End If Else ' hInternetSession handle not allocated sResponse = "InternetOpen call failed: Error code: " & Err.LastDllError & "." PostXML = False End If 'This code will capture the response from the server and passes it back out through the sResponse variable On Error GoTo ErrHand bDoLoop = True While bDoLoop sReadBuffer = vbNullString bDoLoop = InternetReadFile(hHttpOpenRequest, sReadBuffer, Len(sReadBuffer), TotalBytesRead) sResponseBuffer = sResponseBuffer & Left$(sReadBuffer, TotalBytesRead) If Not CBool(TotalBytesRead) Then bDoLoop = False Debug.Print sReadBuffer Wend sResponse = sResponseBuffer PostXML = True Exit Function ErrHand: sResponse = "There was a problem processing the XML response." PostXML = False End Function Public Sub DecodeLabels(strXML As String) On Error Resume Next Dim xnodelist As IXMLDOMNodeList Dim TrackNum As String Dim xnode As IXMLDOMNode Dim xdoc As DOMDocument30 Dim ynode As IXMLDOMNode Dim objNode As IXMLDOMNode Dim xElement As IXMLDOMElement Dim I As Long Dim xmlDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim xmlDocTest As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim childNode As IXMLDOMText Dim btArr() As Byte Debug.Print "Decode Label" Set xdoc = New DOMDocument30 xdoc.loadXML strXML 'Set xnode = xdoc.selectSingleNode("ShipmentAcceptResponse/ShipmentResults/PackageResults/LabelImage/GraphicImage") Set xnodelist = xdoc.getElementsByTagName("*") Set xnode = xnodelist.nextNode For Each xnode In xnodelist Select Case xnode.nodeName Case "GraphicImage" Set xmlDoc.documentElement = xmlDoc.createElement("Label") Set childNode = xmlDoc.createNode(NODE_TEXT, "", "") xmlDoc.documentElement.appendChild childNode xmlDoc.documentElement.dataType = "bin.base64" childNode.nodeTypedValue = xnode.Text xmlDocTest.async = False xmlDocTest.Load xmlDoc Debug.Print xmlDoc.xml Set ynode = xmlDocTest.selectSingleNode("Label") btArr = ynode.nodeTypedValue Debug.Print btArr strFile = "d:\ShippingTests\Label" & TrackNum & ".gif" Open strFile For Binary As #1 Put #1, 1, btArr Close #1 Case "HTMLImage" Set xmlDoc.documentElement = xmlDoc.createElement("HTML") Set childNode = xmlDoc.createNode(NODE_TEXT, "", "") xmlDoc.documentElement.appendChild childNode xmlDoc.documentElement.dataType = "bin.base64" childNode.nodeTypedValue = xnode.Text xmlDocTest.async = False xmlDocTest.Load xmlDoc Debug.Print xmlDoc.xml Set ynode = xmlDocTest.selectSingleNode("HTML") btArr = ynode.nodeTypedValue Debug.Print btArr strFile = "d:\ShippingTests\" & TrackNum & ".html" Open strFile For Binary As #2 Put #2, 1, btArr Close #2 Case "TrackingNumber" TrackNum = xnode.Text End Select Next End Sub