Getting Started with UPS OnLineâ Tools

UPS OnLine Tools Developer’s Kit

This introduction is designed to familiarize you with the contents of this Developer’s Kit which you have downloaded and provide guidance in using these elements to integrate this UPS OnLine Tool into your e-commerce application.  This developer’s kit contains both a developer’s guide and a reference guide.



UPS OnLine Tool Developer's Guide

Developer's Guides explain how to integrate a UPS OnLine Tool into your e-commerce application, specifically in reference to XML development.


A developer's guide contains a UPS OnLine Tool overview, general and tool-specific programming information such as XPCI input/output definitions, examples of XML requests and responses, error code descriptions, customer integration environment details, and technical support information.


Developer's Guides are distributed as Adobe® Acrobat® PDF files.  To view this developer’s guide, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader or plug-in. If you have not already installed and configured the Adobe Acrobat Reader or plug-in, please visit


Open the Developer's Guide



UPS OnLine Tool Reference Guide

Reference Guides are designed to supplement the Developer’s Guides and focus primarily on topics that you will need to reference when building your application.


A reference guide contains code samples for Java and Visual Basic programming languages that can be used during the integration of a UPS OnLine Tool with your e-commerce application. These examples are designed to provide some ideas on how you can write your code to format the required XML needed in when transacting with the UPS servers.


This reference guide is distributed as a Web-based HTML files. To access this file, it is necessary to have a Web browser installed on your computer that supports Java scripts.


Open the Reference Guide




License Agreement Information

You are permitted to use this UPS Developer’s Kit for the sole purpose of developing interfaces to the UPS OnLine Tools and incorporating the UPS OnLine Tools functionality into applications you develop. Your use of this UPS Developer's Kit must be in accordance with the terms and license agreement entered into between UPS and your company.


Applications including UPS OnLine Tools functionality must not be designed to distribute any information obtained through the UPS OnLine Tools by wireless or satellite delivery services or applications. Wireless distribution of this information is available through different UPS program. Contact your UPS representative for further information.


Refer to the "Using UPS Image Files" page of the Reference Guide for instructions on proper use of  UPS image files and related information.




Copyright © 2006 United Parcel Service of America, Inc.