Using UPS Image Files

The UPS Mark provided is used solely on screens within your application that provide information to the persons utilizing your application and only in a manner that makes accurate references to UPS and UPS�s services.  All screens or forms generated by your application including information must include:


The UPS Mark may not be combined with any other symbols, including words, logos, icons, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers or other design elements. A minimum amount of empty space must surround the UPS Mark separating it from any other object, such as type, photography, borders, edges, etc. The required area of empty space around the UPS Mark must be 1/3x, where x equals the height of the UPS Mark.


The UPS Mark should be reproduced using the files LOGO_S.GIF, LOGO_M.GIF and LOGO_L.GIF which can be downloaded from here.



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