/** * A couple of commonly used draw functions. * * @author Jeroen Wijering * @version 1.1 **/ class com.jeroenwijering.utils.Draw { /** * Draw a square in a given movieclip. * * @param tgt Movieclip to draw the square into. * @param wth Square width. * @param hei Square height. * @param clr Square color. * @param tck (optional) Stroke Thickness. * @param cls (optional) Stroke color. **/ public static function square(tgt:MovieClip,wth:Number,hei:Number,clr:Number,tck:Number,cls:Number):Void { tgt.clear(); if(tck != undefined) { tgt.lineStyle(tck,cls,100); } tgt.beginFill(clr,100); tgt.moveTo(0,0); tgt.lineTo(wth,0); tgt.lineTo(wth,hei); tgt.lineTo(0,hei); tgt.lineTo(0,0); tgt.endFill(); }; /** * Draw a rounded-corner square in a given movieclip. * * @param tgt Movieclip to draw the square into. * @param wth Square width. * @param hei Square height. * @param rad Square corner radius. * @param clr Square color. * @param tck (optional) Stroke Thickness. * @param cls (optional) Stroke color. * @param xof (optional) X offset value. * @param yof (optional) Y offset value. * @param alp (optional) fill alpha value. **/ public static function roundedSquare(tgt:MovieClip,wth:Number,hei:Number,rad:Number,clr:Number,tck:Number,cls:Number,xof:Number,yof:Number,alp:Number):Void { tgt.clear(); if(tck > 0) { tgt.lineStyle(tck,cls,100); } if(xof == undefined) { xof = yof = 0; } if(alp == undefined) { alp = 100; } tgt.beginFill(clr,alp); tgt.moveTo(rad+xof,yof); tgt.lineTo(wth-rad+xof,yof); tgt.curveTo(wth+xof,yof,wth+xof,rad+yof); tgt.lineTo(wth+xof,hei-rad+yof); tgt.curveTo(wth+xof,hei+yof,wth-rad+xof,hei+yof); tgt.lineTo(rad+xof,hei+yof); tgt.curveTo(xof,hei+yof,xof,hei-rad+yof); tgt.lineTo(xof,rad+yof); tgt.curveTo(xof,yof,rad+xof,yof); tgt.endFill(); }; }