As of 1.6.2 (visit PhpDig is a http spider / php search engine with a MySql database in backend. Indexing after indexing, PhpDig builds a glossary with the key words found in indexed pages. On a search query, it displays a result page with documents which contains the search keys, ranked by occurence. HTTP Spidering : PhpDig follows links as it was any web browser within a web server, to build the pages list to index. Links can be in AreaMap, or frames, and some simple javascripts. PhpDig supports relocations. Any syntax of HREF attribute is followed by Phpdig. PhpDig doesn't go out the root site you define for the indexing. Spidering depth is choosen by user. All html content is listed, both static and dynamic pages. PhpDig searches the Mime-Type of the document, or tests existence of an tag at the beginning of it. Full Text indexing : PhpDig indexes all words of a document, excepting small words (less than 3 letters) and common words, those are definded in a text file. Lone numbers are not inded, but those included in words. Underscores make part of a word. Occurences of a word in a document is saved. Words in the title can have a more important weight in ranking results. System of templates : A very simple system of templates is included to custom the results page. Limits : PhpDig can't perform an exact expression search. Because of the time consuming indexing process, the Apache/PHP web server which performs the process must not be safe_mode configured. It doesn't matter for the search queries. (distant indexing is possible with a server not safe_mode configured) Spidering and indexing is a bit slow. In the other hand, search queries are fast, even in an extended content.