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You may: a) use it free of charge for any personal or commercial purpose, b) email it to anybody, upload it to archive sites & bulletin boards and include it in CD & software collections free of charge provided the documentation is intact. c) make derivative works from it but GET MY PERMISSION FIRST: arboghast@hotmail.com You may not: a) charge money for it, b) make derivative works from it, rename it or claim it as your own work without my permission. Don't argue with me.http://www.myfonts.comarboghast@hotmail.comBigNoodleTitlingRegularBigNoodleTitlingWebfont 1.0Sat Sep 7 13:15:55 2013{Q  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`bcdefghjikmlnoqprsutvwxzy{}|~     glyph1uni000Duni00A0uni00ADuni00B2uni00B3uni00B9uni2000uni2001uni2002uni2003uni2004uni2005uni2006uni2007uni2008uni2009uni200Auni2010uni2011 figuredashuni202Funi205FEurouniE000uniFB01uniFB02KPXYF+X!YKRX!Y+\X E+D Ey++D E(++D E9++D E+D E+Fv+D E+Fv+D E Z+Fv+D E 7+Fv+D E 6+Fv+D E *+Fv+D E +Fv+D E +Fv+D E +Fv+DY+R+_K